Mother called, “Time for a bath.
It’s time to scrub a dub.”
So Leo grabbed up all his toys
To throw them in the tub.
Mother looked at Leo’s things,
All gathered in a group,
Asked, “ What are you doing?”
“Making alphabet soup.”
He got his toys all ready,
Lined them up from A to Z
In went the Aardvark.
In went the Bumblebee.
In went the Chickens .
In went the Coop.
All went in to the Alphabet Soup.
In went the Dino
And the Elephant too.
In went the Fairy
With wings of blue.
In went the Gorilla
And the Hula Hoop.
All went in to the Alphabet Soup.
In went the Iguana,
The Jellyfish and Kite,
The Legos, Mouse and Ninjas,
Dressed in black and white.
In went the Octopus
With arms that loop-de-loop.
All went in to the Alphabet Soup.
In went the Polliwog.
In went the Quail.
In - a pair of Rollerskates.
In went Slug and Snail.
In went a Truckload of Men,
A military Troop.
All went in to the Alphabet Soup.
In went a Unicorn
And a Videogame.
In went a Wombat,
Wally was his name.
In went a Xylophone.
And a Yellow Yo-Yo.
And finally, a Zebra
Was the last toy to go.
All Leo’s toys together,
All gathered in a group.
There was just one thing missing in the Alphabet Soup.